paul mcilwraithWhen Paul was first introduced to the dungeon he loved the sound being made and brought his keyboard along to play with the army of guitars that had assembled that night: since then they've acquired (among other things) an old Hammond M3.
He loves being involved in and supporting good original music in lots of different ways and is ready jump on the bass or the keys, experiment with recording, mixing the sound at live gigs - or all of the above. He’s been writing and recording his own music for a long time, check out the tracks below or go to to listen to or download any of his songs. He also collaborates with the Bohemian Beat, a Community Radio show produced at Bay FM (Byron Bay) and broadcast nationally across the Community Radio Network. Paul has always believed music to be a powerful force and in the past few years has had the privilege of working with some amazing singer/songwriters who have really mastered their art. Check out Kerrianne Cox and Matt Williamson - both amazing people, who live and breath what they sing about. |
No significant impact - by Paul McIlwraith, guest vocals by Ray
Hut in the trees - by Paul McIlwraith
campaigns |
The latest campaign Paul has been working on is trying to save old growth Leard State Forest from being bulldozed for 3 open cut coal mines. “I’m proud to be an integral part of the Leard Forest Listen Up concerts in Leard State Forest. The aim of these gigs is to get people to the forest and to support Front Line Action on Coal. Leard Forest is beyond brief description. It is the largest remaining stand of critically endangered Grassy Box Woodland in Australia, surrounded by some of the NSW's most productive farmland… No place for the largest coal expansion in the southern hemisphere!” Learn about this campaign from Front Line Action or Maules Creek Community Council. |